
Frequently Asked Questions

On what exchange does Zimmer Biomet's stock trade and what is Zimmer Biomet's ticker symbol?

Zimmer Biomet's shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the SIX Swiss Exchange. The ticker symbol on both exchanges is ZBH.

What is Zimmer Biomet's CUSIP number?

Zimmer Biomet's CUSIP number is: 98956P102

Who is Zimmer Biomet's transfer agent?

Zimmer Biomet's transfer agent Computershare. Please see the Transfer Agent page for more details.

Does Zimmer Biomet pay a dividend?

Yes. Zimmer Biomet paid its initial quarterly cash dividend on April 27, 2012. Please see the Dividend History page for more details.

How do I replace a stale, lost or stolen dividend check?

Please contact Zimmer Biomet's transfer agent, Computershare. Please see the Transfer Agent page for more details.

Does Zimmer Biomet offer direct deposit of dividends?

If you wish to enroll in direct deposit, please contact Zimmer Biomet's transfer agent, Computershare. Please see the Transfer Agent page for more details.

How can I purchase Zimmer Biomet common stock?

Contact any stockbroker who trades on the New York Stock Exchange. You may also purchase shares through the Computershare CIP, a direct stock purchase plan and dividend reinvestment plan. Please see the Transfer Agent page for more details.

Does Zimmer Biomet offer a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) or a Direct Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP)?

Yes. Zimmer Biomet’s Transfer Agent, Computershare, is pleased to offer enrollment in the Computershare CIP, a direct stock purchase and dividend reinvestment plan (Plan). The Plan provides a convenient way to acquire shares by reinvesting cash dividends paid on Zimmer Biomet stock and/or by making optional cash purchases in accordance with the Plan’s terms and conditions. The Plan is sponsored and administered by Computershare, not by Zimmer Biomet. Please see the Transfer Agent page for more details.

Who do I contact with questions about my stock (obtain account information, replace a lost or stolen certificate, report a change of address, transfer ownership of stock, etc.)?

Please contact Zimmer Biomet's transfer agent, Computershare. Computershare can help with a variety of stockholder-related services. Please see the Transfer Agent page for more details.

If you own shares through a brokerage firm, you need to contact the brokerage firm directly.

Where is Zimmer Biomet's corporate headquarters?

Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
345 East Main Street
Warsaw, IN 46580

Where is Zimmer Biomet incorporated?


What is Zimmer Biomet's fiscal year?

Zimmer Biomet’s fiscal year ends December 31.

Who is Zimmer Biomet's independent registered public accounting firm?

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chicago, Illinois

When is the next earnings release?

The company operates on a calendar fiscal year which means that quarters end on the last days of March, June, September and December. Quarterly earnings releases are generally issued in the latter part of the month following each quarter's end: April, July, October and January. Please see the Financial Calendar page for more details.

Does Zimmer Biomet issue printed quarterly reports?

No. However, Zimmer Biomet provides information on its quarterly financial performance in the form of earnings releases, earnings calls, reconciliations and Form 10-Q filings.

How do I get a copy of the Annual Report?

Electronic copies of the color annual reports are also available in the Annual Reports section of this web site.

Reports to the SEC on Form 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K and other forms are obtained electronically in the SEC Filings section of this website as well as on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

How do I contact Zimmer Biomet Investor Relations?

If you have questions regarding your stock account or if you need stock transfer instructions, please contact Zimmer Biomet's transfer agent.

For all other investor inquiries, please contact Zimmer Biomet Investor Relations:

Keri Mattox
[email protected]
Ezgi Yagci
[email protected]
Mail: Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
345 East Main Street
Warsaw, IN 46580

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